Protein or peptide name:miPEP165a
Protein or peptide start site:79004
Protein or peptide end site:79057
ncRNA start site:NA
ncRNA end site:NA
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide sequence:MRVKLFQLRGMLSGSRIL
Protein or peptide length:18aa
ncRNA type:pri-miRNA
ncRNA name:pri-miR165a
Entrez ID:NA
Experimental species:Arabidopsis thaliana
Experimental techniques:Fluorescence microscopy/Western blotting/Immunoblots
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):Arabidopsis thaliana
Description:The primiR171b of Medicago truncatula and the pri-miR165a of Arabidopsis thaliana produce peptides, which we term miPEP171b and miPEP165a, respectively, that enhance the accumulation of their corresponding mature miRNAs, resulting in downregulation of target genes involved in root development.
Subcellular location:NA
Function:Synthetic miPEP171b and miPEP165a peptides applied to plants specifically trigger the accumulation of miR171b and miR165a, leading to reduction of lateral root development and stimulation of main root growth, respectively, suggesting that miPEPs might have agronomical applications.
Title of paper:Primary transcripts of microRNAs encode regulatory peptides
Year of publication:2015